Cold Immersion Therapy for Women

Lots of questions and we want women to feel empowered to make a call on what’s right for them - so based on our experience, feedback, research and study, this is how we’d summarise.


All women are different and the effects of cold immersion can vary so no rules, just thoughts and discussion points.

If we plunge regularly and for durations beyond 2 mins. and we are observing a totally natural cycle. we may want to ease off during the luteal phase (the week before period) and during our period. Naturally our body warms during this time for ease of blood flow and the progesterone hormone lifts. Cold during this time could cause discomfort to an easeful cycle (which is why Eastern Medicine encourage warming practices during this time (sauna and breathwork are great)

The remainder of the month, benefits of icebaths are optimal 🤜🤜💕💕

If we are plunging infrequently and for sub 2 mins, there will be likely very little negative impact but we can switch it out for a cold shower or slightly higher temps or utilise contrast therapy (add in sauna)

Those of us who use hormonal contraception will have varying responses. Many women love the cold (and heat) to ease cramping and therefore icebaths are a great comfort. As the cycle is altered, it’s best to try it for short periods and incrementally build frequency and duration checking in to see how it feels.

Overall, the benefits of the practice mean that we get all the wonderful nervous system regulation, feel good hormones and immunity - so try not to overthink it.


Best time to consistently plunge are days 5-23 of a 28 day cycle. The remainder of the time, pair with heat, lift temps and reduce frequency ✌️

Copy inspiration thanks to Real Nice Tea